Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another crazy day

It started yesterday when school was out again. I had a nail appointment and Brenden was nice enough to stay home with Blaine and Riley. Riley slept for most of the time while I was gone. When I returned she awoke from her nap with this gross looking goop coming from her eyes. It looked like something that should come out of her nose. Which speaking of her nose it wouldn't stop running. I should have known something was up because the night before she wanted to go to bed at 6:45 p.m. and woke up at 8 p.m., 10 p.m., 2 a.m., and then 7 a.m.
Then this morning when I went in to get her she was "playing" with her snot, it was all over her face, hands, and pacifier. Her eyes were swollen and red too. So I called the doctor's office and spoke to the nurse who diagnosed her over the phone with "pink eye". She said to give her Zyrtec for the snotty nose and that she would call in some antibiotic eye drops for the eye infection. So that threw my day off since I was to go to my first CASA Board Meeting. Luckily Jason could leave work and come home long enough for me to go to my meeting and to go get Riley's medicine. Riley took a good nap while I was gone and then she has been rather whiney and needy, which is understandable. She is actually taking another nap as we speak.
Hopefully she gets over this very soon-- it makes mama very sad:)

1 comment:

  1. Hope the sweet girl feels better soon. Pink eye is no fun, been there and done that.
