Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow days and new meal plan.

We got about 5 inches of snow on Monday night/Tuesday morning and so Blaine has been home from school with "snow days". I was off on Tuesday and Wednesday with him and Riley but had to go back to work today. It actually has been a pretty uneventful time. Today Blaine went to Ashlee's house (Brenden's girlfriend's house) and he tried to tell me that he didn't get to eat. This is hilarious because trying to get him to eat on a typical day at home is next to impossible so I doubt very much that he was starving to death, as he would lead me to believe.
The other big news in our household is that I have enrolled in the program which gives us a weeks worth of menus and a grocery list so that we will eat out less often and spend less on food by using the foods that are on sale at Kroger for the week. I have fixed 4 meals so far and all of them have been delicious, we actually have a lot of leftovers and thus tommorrow night might just have to be "leftover night."

1 comment:

  1. My hubby would be in sorry shape if he didn't eat leftovers, let me tell you!
