Sunday, January 31, 2010

Typical Sunday

Well, we got up early enough to go to 9:30 a.m. church and actually didn't have to rush around. There still is about the same amount of snow on the ground but most of the roads outside our immediate neighborhood are plowed. The sermon was the ending to the Vision 2010 series and it was quite powerful. One thing that Rick said that lays on my heart is that we need to start praying more as a family, and I don't mean just before supper time:) I tend to do short prayers when they come to me throughout the day but I don't typically share them with others, even the family. I also read the bible in a year last year but did not share most of it with my family. So maybe that can be my New Year's resolution, that I will pray and share bible verses with everyone in the family.

When we got home from church Riley laid down for a well needed nap and Jason made the best omelets ever. After that I have been doing my whole house cleaning spree that I try to do every other Sunday. I am about 2/3 of the way done and taking a well needed break. The dogs are napping, Jason is watching a Matrix Marathon, and Blaine is playing in the basement with the neighbor kids. Nothing too exciting. It has been 2 1/2 hours and I hear Riley waking up from her nap. Hopefully I will still be able to get the rest of the cleaning done-- Riley usually wants to help mama, which means it takes twice as long. At least Jason is home to help try to redirect her to something more productive, like tormenting (petting) the dogs, playing with her kitchen, or making a big mess with all of her other toys.
Nothing exciting-- just a typical Sunday!

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